FB7995 ... Pink roses and pink lisianthus arrange in a woven basket accented with greens. Flowers and romance are a marriage made in heaven. Whether your romantic flower is a red rose for the love of your life or a pink rose you impress on your first date, find the choicest of them all in Flower Bangkok.
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*Should an item or colour not be available, substitution may apply.
Flower Thailand Bangkok accept all major credit card type including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Buy with Thailand Flower and send Flowers Thailand with no hassel. Thailand Flowers Bangkok will always continue to maintain and improve on secure payment for your safely purchase.
Love Sayings
It is a known fact that men are practical, hardheaded realists, in contrast to women, who are romantic dreamers and actually believe that estrogenic skin cream must do something or they couldn't charge sixteen dollars for that little tiny jar.
Posted by Joy on 7th Jul 2020
I live overseas, and it's hard to send the right gifts to my mom in Thailand during COVID-19. I placed the order for Pink Rose Flower Arrangement, but my mom's birthday fell on a Buddhist Holiday this year. The team at flowerbangkok.com was very kind to rush and got the flowers delivered to her the very next day. Thank you!
Posted by Margot Ayer on 19th Dec 2019
It was nice to see a photograph of the arrangement in context. My stepmother was very pleased with the gift.
Posted by wayne on 23rd Dec 2017
Thank you for supply of quality flowers and a great presentation of them, had made my woman very happy as I could not be with her on birthday
Posted by Michael on 28th Jun 2016
Really lovely arrangement and the flowers were extremely fresh.
The delivery service was great and even emailed a photo of my fiancee holding the arrangement as soon as it was delivered... a very nice touch!
I couldn't be happier with both the quality and the service! :))
Since I ordered online from the US to be delivered in Bangkok, I didn't know what to expect but now I can highly recommend this flower shop and this particular arrangement.